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Pedicab companies - USA

Arizona Pedal Cabs - Phoeniz, AZ

Fat Tire Taxis - Denver, CO

Gas Lamp Pedicabs - San Diego, CA

Manhattan Rickshaw - New York, NY

Transcyle Pedicabs - Norfolk, VA

Silver State Pedicabs - Las Vegas, NV

Bikes at Work - Ames, Iowa

Portland Rickshaw - Portland, OR

Turtle Taxi Pedicabs - New Orleans, LA

Washington Area Pedicabs

Pedicab companies -Canada

Kabuki Kabs - Victoria, BC

Pedicab companies - United Kingdom

Bugbugs - London

ZERO - London

Plymouth Pedicabs - Plymouth

Pedicab companies - France

Paris Trip Tours - Paris, France

Pedicab companies - Germany

Rikscha-Mobil - München, Germany
Bicyclying in Austin

Misc. Resources on human powered transportation

Chasing Rickshaws - a book by Tony Wheeler and Richard I'anson

Transportation Alternatives, NYC

Stuff published by ABC pedi-cab drivers

Poetry of a Pedi-cab Driver

If you have a link that you think should be on this page, email

(c) 2001, Austin Bike Cabs
Website design by James M. Branum