December 2021
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December 30, 2021
Tags: #COVID #COVIDinOklahoma
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The Oklahoman: COVID_19 in Oklahoma Tracker: Daily updates on new cases, deaths and vaccines for December 2021 - by Ryan Sharp and Don Mecoy (updated Dec. 31, 2021)
The Oklahoma State Department of Health on Thursday reported 4,166 new confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the state. That's the highest number of cases reported in a single day since late August.
December 29, 2021
Tags: #art #FrenchArt #CzechArt #ArtDeco
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(2022): Here are some pictures of Alphonse's work (courtesy of wikipedia). Stunningly beautiful.

December 28, 2021
Tags: #FreeSpeech #Oklahoma #Libraries #Library #oilsite #OKC #Lobo #SouthLobo #camping #DefundDOD #DefundPentagon
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Newsweek: OK Bill Would Pay Parents $10K Each Day Their Nominated Banned Books Remain in Libraries by Justin Klawans (Dec. 27, 2021)
The Oklahoma Legislature needs to reread the 1st Amendment... but also needs to consider the impact of banning books on sexuality in a state with the 4th highest teen pregnancy rate in the USA.
The legislation comes from a "pro-life" legislator of course
The Oklahoman: Eyesores? Sights for sore eyes? Like 'em or not, oil wells dot Oklahoma City and suburbs - Richard Mize (Dec. 25, 2021) South Lobo, Texas
For anyone passing between Van Horn and Valentine, Texas, my campsite near the old ghost town of #Lobo has reduced winter pricing --- $5 on the weekend, $4 on weekdays. Reservations are easy with hipcamp.
Politico Biden signs $768B defense policy bill that supersized his original Pentagon request - by Connor O'Brien (Dec. 27, 2021)
Biden and Congress actually approved more funding for the Pentagon than the DOD itself asked for.
This is nuts, particularly since the US is outspending every other nation (including China and Russia) by a large margin. #DefundDOD #DefundPentagon
December 27, 2021
Tags: #reproductivejustice #abortion #pro-choice #adoption
This was originally posted at: I'm adopted and even I don't think adoption is a replacement for abortion rights
December 26, 2021
Tags: #Klezmer #JewishMusic #RomaMusic #COVID #COVID19
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This was originally posted at:
Yep. I said it. I don’t think unvaccinated people should be gathering in churches for Christmas Eve / Day Masses. “Love thy neighbor,” says the Savior.
Strongly agree.
Religious communities that are not taking steps to promote (or even require) common-sense measures like masking and vaccines in their communities are failing at their #1 ethical responsibility: promoting human welfare.
December 22, 2021
Tags: #Branum #GuyBranum
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Words of wisdom from the world's most famous #Branum
In the UK cheating on the monarch is treason punishable by death. Parliament must pass a law that cheating on Emma Thompson in real life or in film is also treason punishable by death and make it retroactive. Ken- Beheaded. Alan- Exhumed and Beheaded. Greg- ON NOTICE.
December 21, 2021
Tags: #beer #beerreviews #OklahomaBeer #OKBeer
Originally posted at
Review of Festivus by Anthem Brewing (Oklahoma City)
4.42/5 rDev +11.9%
look: 4.5/5 | smell: 4.25/5 | taste: 4.5/5 | feel: 4.25/5 | overall: 4.5/5
Poured from an attractive colorful can into a pint glass. Big tan head on a dark brown brew.
Subtle malty aroma. Flavor is interesting, but a little muddled. A lot is going on here, maybe too much? I'm picking up molasses (per the label), toastyness, raisins and port wine. Big crystals of sugar. All on a slightly fluffy light-to-medium mouthfeel, smooth start with a slightly prickly finish on the tongue.
I liked this one. It was crazy but definitely memorable. I would get it again.
Lastly... 9% alcohol! Hard to believe it.
December 20, 2021
Tags: #OklahomaRadio #Radio #Music
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Good stuff.
December 19, 2021
Tags: #RadicalJewishCalendar #Jewish #Jewishcalendar #anticapitalism
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December 18, 2021
Tags: #OKMMJ
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The Oklahoman: Grading Oklahoma - This state has the most marijuana dispensaries in the nation - by Todd Pendleton (Dec. 17, 2021)">
Pretty amazing news! If you had told me 10 years ago that Oklahoma would have more dispensaries than any other state, I would not have believed it, but I'm really glad for it. #OKMMJ
December 17, 2021
Tags: #Tolkien #CSLewis
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CS Lewis describes his new book to JRR Tolkien
— Eleanor Morton (@EleanorMorton) December 17, 2021
December 15, 2021
Tags: #TransRightsAreHumanRights
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NBC News: Hormone therapy linked to lower suicide risk for trans youths, study finds - by Jo Yurcaba (Dec. 14, 2021)
December 13, 2021
Tags: #WorkerRights #Labor #capitalism #CapitalismSucks
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NBC News: Factory workers threatened with firing if they left before tornado, employees say - by Deon J. Hampton (Dec. 13, 2021)
There is no heat or hot water at Oklahoma State Penitentiary.. the world is watching.. if anyone sees this call 918-423-4700 . These men are freezing!! Demand heat for these men!
December 11, 2021
Tags: #Duolingo #LanguageLearning #Duolingo365
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Look how much I learned on Duolingo in 2021! How did you do?

December 8, 2021
Tags: #MarriageEquality #LGBTQ
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NBCNews: Tokyo's same-sex partnership move is cheered as big step forward
Great news from #Tokyo

December 7, 2021
Tags: #LGBTQ #Chile
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Washington Post: Chile's congress recognizes same-sex marriage, joining Latin America's shift toward gay rights - by Samantha Scmidt and Diana Durán (Dec. 7, 2012)
¡Hurra por el pueblo de Chile!
Hooray for the people of Chile!
December 4, 2021
Tags: #GooseIsland #BoycottGooseIsland #beer #BeerReview #Pikmin #PikminBloom
This was originally posted at: Goose Island pushed back on union drive, then laid off organizers (2021 January: The original story is at
For anyone who plays Pikmin Bloom, my player code is 348880303900
Review of Chocolate Babka by Campanology Brewing (Wisconsin)
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4.21/5 rDev +13.8%
look: 4.25/5 | smell: 4.5/5 | taste: 4/5 | feel: 4.25/5 | overall: 4.25/5
I got this one for a very good price at Trader Joe's. Poured from a 750 mL bottle into a glass.
Dark brown almost black with a generous tan head. Crazy amounts of chocolate aroma. The flavor is absolutely dominated by chocolate, maybe too much so. --- I think a little bit more toastiness or some hops or spices would improve this one. But thankfully this beer stays away from being too sweet (like the monstrous Birthday cake from Shiner a few years ago).
As this beer warms, I do pick up more flavors. Some raisins and port wine, but mostly lots and lots of cocoa --- really this beer feels like a mash-up of hot chocolate and beer --- which makes me think what it is missing is some chile powder and some winter spices.
Overall though, I enjoyed this beer. It was a good value for the money. Not legendary but still very good.
December 3, 2021
Tags: #hanukah #hanukkah #postagestamps #stamps #stampcollecting
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The Forward: The vibrant, colorful world of Hanukkah stamps - and how they got to be that way - by Irv Osterer (Dec. 2, 2021)
December 2, 2021
Tags: #Cuba #Biden #AbortionRights #OKC #OklahomaWeather #OKWeather #OKWX #Bernie #Bezos #CBD
This was originally posted at: If Roe is overturned, abortion will be near instantly illegal in a third of the states - by Kate Riga (Dec. 2, 2021)
Presidente @POTUS have broken promises to Cubanamerican and Cuban families. Biden you have broken your promises to your constituents. Lift sanctions to the Cuban people. Biden, usted rompió las promesas a sus electores y a la familia cubana. #EliminaElBloqueo #PuentesDeAmor
Oklahoma City just tied a record high for the day at 77 degrees. This is the 2nd time this week a high has been tied/broken. (Dec. 2, 2021)
From: (Dec. 2, 2021)
I want you stop scrolling for just a moment. Take one second and pause.
Jeff Bezos made $3,715 in just ONE second — that's more than the median full-time worker in this country earns in an entire week.
Please do not tell me he cannot afford to pay his fair share of taxes.
For anyone who wants to try CBD-only products: I love Mr. Moxey's. Use my referral link to get a discount now! via @MrMoxeys